Details and Information
Different Lake Tanganyika Cichlids Profile
Neolamprologus tetracanthus
Aquarium Setup: Prefer shallow water with tiny gravels as substrate filling the top layer covering about half of the aquarium. Presence of aquatic plants with rocky caves is also recommended. Aquarium size should be at least 100 gallons and above which is considered the best size for your new pet.
Species Compatibility: Can be mixed with other Lake Tanganyika cichlids and will coexist with other species which are no aggressive and is about the same size.
Diet: Will readily accept fish foods like processes flakes and pellets. The fish will do well with mix of small invertebrates like prawns and mollusks. To speed up growth rate, a supply of high protein feeds can be provided. Feeder fish such as guppies can also be considered.
Breeding: The fish is categorized as substrate spawner. As long as there is proper hiding place for them to call home, they will mate to produce healthy offspring. Make sure that tiny gravels are present so that the parents can pile up to form the spawning site. The pair will aggressively defend the eggs and will chase away intruders.
Ophthalmotilapia boopsAquarium Setup: Prefer large aquarium size measuring 100gallons and above. It is good to provide silica sands with mix of large stone and pebbles. If possible, you can also use flower pots to create a home for your pets to hide and establish a safe living condition.
Species Compatibility: Generally best kept among own similar species. The females should outnumber the males so that there is less aggressive behavior among the brood.
Diet: Based on observation, the fish exhibit more towards herbivorous but supply of live foods can still be provided. New pet fish will love plenty of zooplankton present in the water and abundance of phytoplankton will be the most desired. There are aquarium owners who supplement the diet with spirulina based fish feeds.
Breeding: The fish will spawn on their own accord without needing much intervention. The parents will defend the young and brooding female fish should be isolated from the male. Sometimes it is also possible for a male Ophthalmotilapia boops to spawn with 2 or 3 females at the same time. The fry will have high survival rate with proper care and nutritional supplies.
Some other interesting species: Chocolate Gourami